It's a new day I agree
It's a bright day I love those days
Even when you stand in the dark I would hate that
It's just that
You've been broken into fifty pieces Ouch
Today is gone Where did it go?
I'm the only light that you see How sweet...
You need someone Yes, maybe
I know all you needed was me Okay you guessed it
Everyday we wake if it takes too long No one would like a long day
Just tell me something new If it makes you happy, I will
Forget about the sunshine when it's gone But what if I really want it back?
Another pale moon Pretty
Shines like high noon And it wouldn't be as hot!
Midnight never felt so cold alone I do want you with me...
It's just that you're uneasy You're a good guesser
When you need me Yes, I do need you
Today is gone I wish it wasn't...
I'm the only light that you see Yes, it's pretty cute
You need someone Yes
I know all you needed was me :)
Everyday we wake if it takes too long Don't want to sleep forever
Just tell me something new Gladly...
Forget about the sunshine when it's gone Will do...just for you...
You can say it's right, but it feels so wrong So does that make us bad?
Just show me something true You know I'm an honest person
Forget about the sunshine Okay
Forget about the sunshine when it's gone I will
Today is gone I wonder where it went...
I'm the only light that you see It's really bright
You need someone Yes, I do
I know all you needed was me You're smart
Everyday we wake if it takes too long Maybe sleeping forever isn't too bad...
Just tell me something new How many new things are there in the world?
Forget about the sunshine when it's gone I'll try to, but I do love the sunshine
You can think it's right, but it feels so wrong I agree, because I love that sunshine...
Just show me something true Of course
Forget about the sunshine Okay
Forget about the sunshine when it's gone I will, just for are my sunshine...
The first thing I notice about this song when I listen to it is the happy, bouncy tune, so catchy and it just sticks with me all day. It makes me feel much more cheerful when I'm a bit sad. I listen to it every night, because frankly, I really love it. The All-American Rejects are absolutely the best, I think, aside from Three Days Grace and Thirty Seconds to Mars. :*
Hahaha! I like. It make me smile lot. ;)