
Hey. I'm amazed you've stopped to take a peak! I'm sorry to say that my blog is full of negative, atrociously positive, philosophical, or otherwise stupid posts concerning my thoughts, feelings, and every day life. But what the hell! If you think it's great, then I think you're great. Got it?

Feb 2, 2011

Hmmm....So Photography is fun!

I'm definitely not professional, but I like taking pictures of myself and people. First of all, I've gotten over my self-ugliness because hey, everyone is ugly. Which makes NO ONE ugly. Duh. Secondly, It's great to catch people's faces in the pictures you take. (Yes, 70 percent come up ugly or hilarious) hehe, but of course, that's life. Third and definitely last, I take pictures because it's sort of an addiction. I'm not sure why, but I just think it's fun and obsessive. So that's a third object to my obsessing list.

30 Seconds to Mars
Dr. Pepper

Tee hee. I have other likes, but those are the top three that I have officially decided I have. So....I'm done talking. yay!

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